Good day brethren!
It’s been a whirlwind of a month with everything going on, and I want to express my gratitude to the officers, past masters, members and wives for stepping in and stepping up to help handle what was needed. Again, you make me proud to be a member of the craft and Jenks Lodge in particular.
April will be another busy month with the events that just passed, the Demolay/Rainbow Progressive Dinner, the two DDGM visitations we will attend, the Grand Master’s visitation to Manchester Lodge, Pot luck on the 21st, and our stated communication on the 22nd. Please try to come to all that you can and continue to support our brothers.
I also want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended Most Worshipful Bob Allen’s services, and most especially those who took an active role. It was a difficult day for all of us and while he will be greatly missed, we must keep in mind how fortunate we all are to have had our time with him. He was a legend, a legit legend in the masonic community and my life is richer because he was in it. We all must hold him deep in our hearts and remember the lessons he shared with us.
Lastly, please allow this incredible loss to our family, remind you to not just be there for your families and brothers, but actively reach out and check in on them. Spend a little extra time with them. Laugh a little more with them. Buy an inexpensive but thoughtful gift. Just text and say “Hey, just thinking about you. Do you need anything?” And don’t forget to tell them you love them.
Remember, my brothers, Meaning and Connection… deepen them, I implore you and get more out of this short time on Earth that we have.
With Love and Respect.
Rick Wilmott, WM